The Gypsy Garden
In August 2017 the Fairlee Gardeners created a garden in memory of William “Frosty” Frost on the lawn to the north of the Railroad Station. The plants in the garden were donated by a former town resident who described them as “gypsies”because many had been planted in one town, then replanted in another before landing on Fairlee’s Main Street.
In October a group of volunteers added hemlock borders, donated by a town resident.
The project came together very quickly. We were under a deadline to remove the donated perennials and the soil in the spot chosen was rocky once you got down a couple of inches so we formed raised beds of purchased compost/soil mixture over layers of cardboard.
We continued transferring plants over a week, adding two more beds on the North and South ends.
Then in October a local resident donated rough sawn hemlock frames for the beds. A group of volunteers gathered on a Saturday morning and installed them.
Can’t wait to see the garden next year!
Here is the garden in 2019
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