Telephone Poles
Plant 4-5 daylilies around telephone/electrical poles up and down Route 5 throughout the village area.
Update 2021

- Elementary school classes could “Adopt a pole”, perhaps the poles in front of the railroad station
- Business and home owners could be given a choice of colors and supplied with lilies for planting
The first year, two poles were planted with varieties in red and yellow. The second year we added the pole at Bridge Street and inspired what has become a wonderful display at Lane Cobb’s place. As of Spring 2020 six poles have had plantings of various exotic varieties added.

Telephone Pole Timeline
Lakeside Auto pole., Samurai Soul/Snack bar pole, Bridge Street
By Spring 2020
6 poles planted
Broken Hearts Burger pole
See update 7 poles
Summer: Planted the 4 poles in front of the RR station
Booth Bay, tall yellow. Medium height clear yellow, short clear yellow. The northernmost pole has one particular deep yellow lily that got in there by accident and is very late blooming – later than anything else. I am trying to cultivate more.
The pole at Moonlight Auto – intersection of Lake Morey Road and Route 5 – was hit with a massive dose of weedkiller and died.I may dig it out and try replanting in 2024
Fall 2023
Pole by Gray Electric, old feed store building: 3 Booth Bay, 4 Ruby Spider, 6 Stella d’Oro
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